Monday 27 October 2008

The obsession with weight?

I've been going to the gym, like for the past two where in that equation can you gain 4pounds? I mean I didn't expect any miracle changes like dropping a stone in two weeks. A nice pound(lb) off my weight would be nice. Am I doing something wrong? I mean I dont believe in the cut out everything you eat kind of thing......I enjoy my food, I dont want to be obsessed that I feel guilty over eating a mini roll chocolate cake, I dont even eat alot of junk I deserve to have a chocolatey treat.

Even in the disappointment, Im going to the gym to sweat my butt off.


Lisa-Marie said...

Muscle weighs more than fat, so you may have become more toned, but gained a few pounds. You need to be sure you are eating regularly, and properly, otherwise your gym time won't do anything, other than tone you up a bit.

Well done for going, and don't be too dis-heartened! you know this happened to me too.

Hazels Crochet said...

Mmmmm, see thats what Im thinking, although I wont be disheartened because i enjoy the time i go to the i want to tone up.
Will be getting a program on wednesday so that will help me.
