Sunday 26 October 2008

The re-occurring back spasms...

Entering into the third week with this dull ache banding across my lower back, is becoming quite tedious. How was I to know that a bag I am so used to carrying would cause me so much strain on my back, that I can barely breathe when I struggle out of bed in the mornings. I may say that the spasms are slowly fading each week, but knowing me I can't keep myself at peace....will always do something to bring back the spasms again the next morning, hence why I sit here in the third week with my dull ache when it could have been gone a week ago.
I brought myself to square one a week ago when I decided that my back was feeling back to normal, of course I thought lets switch rooms with my younger sister. Not that I was thinking that my back would be under any strain...silly me. The few days suffering from the pain, I decided to visit the doctor...not something I would do so regularly. All they could advise for muscle strain was some pain killers and a visit to the gym to work my muscles into healing themselves....telling me something I already knew....I was hoping for at least a prescription of Co-codamol or something but nothing. Not focusing on the pain killers, I paid attention to the gym I have recently been attending to gain a healthier feeling for myself.

I noticed that the gym was helping my back, although that wasn't my purpose in I have already mentioned, merely killing two birds with the one stone. While trying to help the muscles in my back, I have also been trying to lose a small bit of weight..although not a drastic ambition. People have been saying, 'oh you don't need to do that, you look just fine!', I am aware that I look fine but I don't feel comfortable in clothes that are becoming fairly snug on me. The tight clothes may appeal to others but I want to be able to breathe in my tops and feel comfortable, yes some tight tops are cool but not in the, 'I've put on weight kind of tightness'. So yeah....I don't want to be skinny or anything, I just want to tone up that's I do enjoy my curves...the fragile stick thin look isn't sexually appealing in my nature....on me. Others can look fabulous with that look, I envy them yes, but its still not me.

To wrap it up, I hope that after this week that my back pain will go away, as I'm tired of feeling like an old lady in the morning

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