Monday 5 September 2011

The List of Things to Do

A while back I wrote this list, which I forgot about....I can score some off now I think!

1. Learn to drive and pass a driving test.

2. I want to travel a bit, and see some countries abroad - Australia, America, Italy, Germany, Canada, Europe

3. Save up for a house with Andy, a proper mortgage house.

4. See the Northern Lights - I think the Northern lights are beautiful and I would love to travel to a Northern   country like Iceland, Finland or Norway to see the beauty

5. Visit more places in the UK- I would like to see more of London, and I would love to go to Wales as well! I just want to see more of what is in my back garden rather than abroad lots. I have an idea of doing a small holiday one year, whilst saving up for a big holiday the following year.

6. Have a baby - I am certainly very broody, and have been for the past couple of years now. I want to start planning a family around 2014, as I will be 27 and I think that is an ideal age.

10. I am really into photography, even though I haven't been capturing images recently....but I would really like to sell my photographs.

11. Disney World in Florida with Andy's family - as I think it would be magical!

12. Make more crafty things - this is definitely completed as I love crocheting!!

13. Knit 10 things (completely!).

14. Go on a really cool cruise.

15. See all my favourite comedians!

16. Help a charity - I started helping knit-a-square charity a while back, although I need to get back into it and crochet some squares for them. Ironically this charity is what lead me to learn crochet.

Although I need to think of less travel things and more affordable or free things to do :)

Friday 2 September 2011

Crochet Blog

I have created a blog dedicated to crocheting since I love it that will find it here!

Enjoying writing in a space that is just for my crochet things, while I can use my personal blog to vent and ramble about everything else...

I hope you enjoy reading as I will updating my crochet blog!!

Thursday 1 September 2011

Crochet Heaven

I graduated in July, I have not found a job I tried my hands at crocheting as it has been intriguing to me. Turns out I enjoy it much more than knitting, knitting is good but it just doesn't have the quick flexible feeling that you get with crocheting.

Crocheting has kept me going in the past few months, I know its only been a little time unemployed but when you have little money its a very nice hobby to have when it costs so little and takes up your time...and is very relaxing. I enjoy it so much I have even tried selling pieces. I made this cowl for a friend as he made a request, and he loves it.

I am really handy at making hats especially beanie hats, I love making them out of chunky wool but sometimes with double knit wool so i can get different colours!

Granny squares are my newest love in crocheting! I remember loving the granny square blanket my mum made me as a kid, and now that I can crochet I am making a comfy chunky one myself! I am also making a granny square baby blanket too!

Although there is a blanket I have seen that I think looks amazing, and I think I may also try making something like it!  It is so colourful, its absolutely may take me forever to make, but I can't resist. I found it on Attic24!

I know what I will be doing for christmas presents, as I wont be able to afford expensive gifts...crochet crafting ahoy!

Friday 15 July 2011

Changing Priorities...

It's crazy how you move through time, your priorities change, the things you enjoy and dislike change. Beginning of university, I remember it was days of minimal studying and in the pub every night with my mates spending my student loan, and of course living with my dad.

Moving through the university years, spending less time drinking and more time studying, getting engaged to my boyfriend, moving in with my fiancé...

Now graduating, looking for PhDs and I rarely go out for drinks.

I am in my mid twenties almost, never thought of the day where I would be saying that and now I am thinking about having babies in my late twenties.....but I want to get married first, be a bit traditional.

Since it wont be long until I am in my late twenties, I figured I would start doing some planning now...I must say I am feeling really excited, even though the list of responsibilities with it seem to mounting up along with the budget....but bring it on!

Time to become bridezilla!

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Graduation Celebrations

Photographs showing various bits through my day, which was wonderful but very exhausting. It's strange to think I am now finished and I actually have a degree, now onwards to the next...hopefully a PhD! Ready! Set! Go!

Friday 8 July 2011

Knit-A-Square - First Package to Post

Feeling excited now, I have my first package to go to South Africa and it contains my two knitted squares and a crocheted square with a personal note saying that I made them.

I am also knitting a square vest as well, as you can make them hats, socks....anything that will keep them warm :)

For more details on how YOU could help, visit Knit-A-Square to see what you could do to help! It doesn't take much time at all!!

Sunday 26 June 2011


Knitted two squares for Knit-A-Square charity.

I am now learning to crochet, so that I can crochet a square using these instructions.

You should knit a square too! They need 175,000 squares to make blankets and keep children warm....the squares are only 8 x 8" in size, so it doesn't take long to knit at all!

For more information, if you do want to help, visit their Knit-A-Square site and my previous blog post where you will find more details :)

Thursday 16 June 2011


First one completed, now I am going to start another one, this one shall be purple like the colour of my scarf!!

Thinking I may knit some more, and send a bunch together :)

You should knit a square too! They need 175,000 squares to make blankets and keep children warm....the squares are only 8 x 8" in size, so it doesn't take long to knit at all!

For more information, if you do want to help, visit their Knit-A-Square site and my previous blog post where you will find more details :)

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Knitting Squares

Sitting last night, thinking what could I do with my time, yes I am still on this situation.

Something for charity, I could do something for charity.

Typed in knitting for charity and I got this Knit A Square website, where you can knit or crochet 8 x 8" squares in any colour or in any pattern...This is ideal for me to practice knitting while helping little babies keep warm at the same time!

Can't wait to get started!!

This is a little boy with a completed blanket using all the squares that people knit and send to them.

Sunday 12 June 2011

Making a List

Something else to start now that I have come to the time, where I need to start new things.

A conversation with my friend Jade, started the inspirational writing down what I want to do.....whether its before I am 30, 40 or 50, I don't know.

1. Pass my driving test.
2. Go to the Wickerman festival
3. Get my own house.
4. Travel across Europe
5. See the Northern Lights, not sure where from yet.
6. Go up Snowdon in Wales.
7. Get married.
8. Go up El Teide in Spain.
9. Have a baby.
10. Sell my photographs.
11. Visit Australia
12. Visit America
13. Go to Monte Carlo
14. Disney World in Florida with Andy's family.
15. Make more crafty things.
16. Visit Canada.
17. Knit 10 things (completely!).
18. Go on a really cool cruise.
19. Travel more in Britain, see what's in my own back garden as they say.
20. See all my favourite comedians!
21. Help a charity

That's all there is so far, its something to aim for....

Wednesday 1 June 2011

First completed knitting project

This is the end result of my scarf.....and the completion of my very first knitting project (even though I finished it about 2 months ago).

Now that I have all this free time, I need to start my second knitting project.

So What Now

Sitting here, figuring out what to do. Do not want day after day filled with mundane tasks!

I need some sort of motivation, some sort of task!

Turning to Google, I typed in 'What to do when unemployed?' - Sounds desperate and no I am not talking about job hunting, as that is my daily morning task as I drink my coffee.

The first result gets my interest, it is a blog post called "5 things to do when you're unemployed. Hint: its not job hunting". Sounds just like something that help me.

Need to get into productive crafty teach myself projects also!

Would appreciate thoughtful ideas on how to keep productive in these slow days.

Saturday 29 January 2011

Hello Internet Diary

Christmas is yet again over, and its another new year.

Holidays have came to an end, and I will be going back to university on Monday to start the classes of semester two. Though I have recently came to the realisation that I will only be a student for another few months then I will graduate in July...what are my thoughts? Bricking it!

Putting photography aside as I have not really spent a great deal travelling to capture some lovely photos, and I have bought myself some knitting needles and two balls of wool...yes, I am knitting.

I used to knit when I was younger, got the stitches casted on for me...I knitted, badly and then it would be casted off. I would end up with something very holey and somewhat pointless but it was fun. I have been knitting a purple scarf, I figured this would be the easiest way to teach myself again...although I am using the stockinette stitch for my scarf coz I wanted a small challenge he he...

I shall post a photo of the end result, of my 99p handmade scarf he he