Wednesday 1 June 2011

So What Now

Sitting here, figuring out what to do. Do not want day after day filled with mundane tasks!

I need some sort of motivation, some sort of task!

Turning to Google, I typed in 'What to do when unemployed?' - Sounds desperate and no I am not talking about job hunting, as that is my daily morning task as I drink my coffee.

The first result gets my interest, it is a blog post called "5 things to do when you're unemployed. Hint: its not job hunting". Sounds just like something that help me.

Need to get into productive crafty teach myself projects also!

Would appreciate thoughtful ideas on how to keep productive in these slow days.

1 comment:

Lisa-Marie said...

I think having a schedule is good. On days off, I have certain programmes I watch, and I give myself until certain times to do washings etc. I read, I craft, I cook and bake.

You could go for a daily walk, and take your camera with you. If you've done everything you can job wise, you should be working on your photography.
