Wednesday 17 December 2008

Computer Bits Breaking really sucks when you realise that your laptop is ready for dying altogether,well at least be breaking down bit by bit. The laptop speakers are gone on it, and audio input for speakers is gone. The backlight to the screen is flickering off and on every once in a i figured its eventually going to die, that when the motherboard got replaced, it was giving my laptop another year to live.
My dad has given me his spare computer, which isnt much better.....hence why it was a spare. I have it plugged up and using my tv as a monitor...which is kinda big. The only problem with this computer is that it just decides every once in a while, 'Oh I think I will be a pain in the ass and stop responding and mess up all the stuff you are doing'.

So Im sitting here...wondering if I should just buy a new laptop after christmas, maybe get one in the January sales, nothing special really...just one that works and is a bit better than my current one.


Anonymous said...

Aww that sucks. I am obsessed with computers so it always pains me when one dies. :) Will be fun for you to get a new shiny one though. Hopefully there are some good sales going on so it won't be too expensive. I know seems to be selling a lot relatively cheap.

Lisa-Marie said...

Buy a new one! laptops are useful!

(the word verification thingy is making me type RERAW - I think that should be our new word!).

Loves xxxx

Hazels Crochet said...

I think I will buy a new one, my lappy looks all old and ugly compared to my friends laptops as theirs are all relatively new he he.

On the plus side, I dont have to back anything up coz its all on my external hard drive :D yay sensible me for buying that thing.

RERAW! sounds a funky word sis

thank you for the link holly, i shall check it out :)