Monday 12 July 2010

Rooibos Tea... very distinctive.

I went for a wander in Holland & Barretts to their tea section, looking for something that is healthy but not fruity tea to me always tasted like diluting juice that was heated up. I looked through all of them, and noticed one with a noticeable design on the box, Tick Tock.
I pondered for a little while over it, reading that it was high in antioxidants and you could take it with sugar and milk. I put the box back up, and thought to myself that I was being daft.

Continuing my wander through the town, and followed on to the Supermarket to buy odds and ends, and I found myself at the tea section again, and there it was. The tea was only £1.18 and I got 40 tea bags, I thought I would just give it a try.

As I write this blog, I am sipping on the tea with its distinctive taste....wikipedia says it has a nutty and sweet flavour to it, if that is what they call it...then I can agree.
Its not a bad tasting tea, but I think I will have to take a while before I really get myself acquired to the taste.

It certainly feels healthy


Lisa-Marie said...

I quite like it, it's one of the few 'not with milk' teas I'm happy to drink, because the flavour is quite strong.

Hazels Crochet said...

Yes I am beginning to get the feel for it too, although I am still not quite used to the flavour :)