Thursday 6 November 2008

Sickness and all that Jazz...Oh and a bit of Christmas spirit

Well sitting here...finally on the mend, I didnt even feel like myself yesterday in my waking hours, must have been a walking zombie because i sure did feel like it.
So yeah, I had to catch the sickness and diarhoea bug didnt I, the one that is swarming by everyone recently. Although feeling a bit blah, all the physical symptoms have vanished.

Although my friend Kayleigh is insisting I get some fresh air, and give her company to the shops in Glasgow to cheer myself up a bit. Although I might look at new christmas decorations for my little tree as my decorations are somewhat getting old. Although very unsure what colour to get, but decorations are shiny and glittery....I'll see what i can get and try not go too nuts, but everyone knows how much I like things that sparkle :)

Although take care everyone, I hope you dont get this bug, its awful!


Lady Kay Kay said...

At least you got pretty pics and fireworks in the end :)

Wuv oooooooo :)

Hazels Crochet said...

yes I did indeed :)