Tuesday 11 November 2008

A Photographic Opportunity

Well I thought it was pretty amazing how I came across a small photographic opportunity after a searching through google for photograph contests, that I would walk into my now favourite coffee shop...and they would have a small leaflet on their counter. I looked down at it as I waited for my Rolo Latte, and was amazed to see a leaflet advertising a photo competition.

When I went home, I found out more info about it on the internet and I felt like it was a perfect chance for me, somewhere to start....I may not win as there are many talented people out there that can take lovely photos.

Anyway, the deadline is next monday, although I am going into Glasgow on Thursday and Friday to take photos that will have some of my friends in them. I have to take five photos altogether and they have to be related to my favourite coffee shop, which I think I can manage. Even if I dont win, I will still have fun in trying and I can say...'at least I tried'. I cant wait to see!

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