This is Missie lying on top of my cushions, always likes to make herself comfy in my room :)

Missie looking at me as I think I was eating food before I took this photo...she looks like shes been starved, I ensure you she is well and truly spoiled!

This is me using Missie as a pillow, while shes having a chew on my hand...that was the only way I could get her to keep still for the photo.

Missie at christmas 2007, looking adorable in her way of wanting attention ha ha :)

This is when we first got Conan, he makes Missie look like a pup as he is much bigger than her, especially in the head department :)

Conan lying out our backdoor, enjoying the summer sun :)

One of my favourite photos, where Missie and Conan look like a couple...they do act like husband and wife....it is very cute! Here it looks like Missie has her head on Conan's shoulder like a lady would :)
Awwww, so cute :)
Your dogs seem like sweethearts :)
Thank you! I love them to bits!
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