Saturday, 22 November 2008

The Dog Gets A Mouthful

Well today I wasn't too pleased when I got a call from my Dad saying that our dog Conan decided to have a little nibble at the post, which just happened to have a parcel for me in it. Although the item wasn't for myself, it was a christmas present bought for a I was none too pleased. The thing that made it worse, was that it was ordered from the internet because I can't buy the game brand new in any of the game I searched on Amazon. I took a few photos to show you how much fun Conan had while having a chew.

The back of the game...

The front of the game....

What the corners look like when the case is open...

The tastiest the looks of it....

Just started to get his teeth into this corner.....I guess this was the point my parents got in the house... of those most annoying points in life, although my parents are buying me another copy off the internet, so its not all bad, but its not the point I guess....although I've always thought Conan to be the unintelligent one, as he just looks at you with a dumb look all the time...

Go figure...

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A Photographic Opportunity

Well I thought it was pretty amazing how I came across a small photographic opportunity after a searching through google for photograph contests, that I would walk into my now favourite coffee shop...and they would have a small leaflet on their counter. I looked down at it as I waited for my Rolo Latte, and was amazed to see a leaflet advertising a photo competition.

When I went home, I found out more info about it on the internet and I felt like it was a perfect chance for me, somewhere to start....I may not win as there are many talented people out there that can take lovely photos.

Anyway, the deadline is next monday, although I am going into Glasgow on Thursday and Friday to take photos that will have some of my friends in them. I have to take five photos altogether and they have to be related to my favourite coffee shop, which I think I can manage. Even if I dont win, I will still have fun in trying and I can say...'at least I tried'. I cant wait to see!

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Dreaming To Be A Photographer

Photography is one of my favourite hobbies, but I am getting the daft notion. If I was to ever own a really good camera, like the type you need to be professional...If I ever could be professional with photos, like just a small project...

Ahhh maybe its just a crazy notion,

An Early Morning Rise....

I'm sitting here feeling mentally tired, although I have been awake since the back of 4am. The joys of doing my usual middle of the night wander to the kitchen to get a drink, how was I to know that I would be too keyed up that my mind wouldn't let me get back to sleep. After spending the past couple of hours tossing and turning in my bed, trying to shut my mind down with music, I decided I might as well just get up. Fair enough its 7ish, which is really early when you dont exactly have anything planned ALL day, considering I usually sleep til at least 11ish. I just wonder what to get up to for the rest of the day. Last night I planned that I should sit back and chill today, after spending all day of yesterday walking.....yes, I went to Edinburgh Zoo and it was great.

Going to the zoo yesterday was definitely the best kind of pick-me-up after being all meh and sick in the middle of the week, although I hope for all the pain I caused my feet with that walking yesterday, that I have at least dropped a pound in weight ha ha.

I can't remember the last time I have been to the zoo, but it was good to go and see all the animals....they were all so wonderful. Although the zoo is on a steep hill that burned your legs when you walked up and around. Thing is that me and my friends knew that it was all uphill, and we still walked the 2miles from Haymarket train station to the zoo, which was relatively easy task since it was a straight walk. But I didn't expect the walk to last for about 30minutes before we even got there!
I was happy all day, even when my feet moaned at me..but mainly because I was taking photos of all the pretty animals. I got really good photos of the tiger, I was really pleased as I love tigers!

I must admit, I took over 300 photos...yes I know that sounds bad, not all of them are good quality so I just assured myself with taking plenty of photos of each animal I saw. You have to admit, this is a really pretty photo. I have great photos of him faraway as well...although this one wins!
Another animal that I managed to get great photos of were the penguins, who my friend claire, fell in love with. I thought we were never going to get her away from them. Although there was windows were you could see them swimming under water, and she made friends with one as he kept coming back to her....and he caught her heart!

Thats not him though, but I thought I would show you the photo I got of a penguin. They were really cool, also they did a parade which I caught photos of...I've never seen anything like it! I got a few second clip of them parading he he. All my animal videos will be going on youtubes of course!

After we were finished with the zoo, we got a bus back to Princes Street which is in the heart of Edinburgh, that is where you get to see the Edinburgh castle which is pretty awesome to look at...Edinburgh is a pretty city as it has so many things that you can look at!

We done a small shopping trip after we had some food, although by 6pm my feet were officially burning, I could have sworn I had no soles left ha ha. So I was really happy to get sitting down on the comfy train to Glasgow! I visited my friend Bob and Kayleigh afterwards, and we watched a film which was pretty sweet!

After a long but awesome day, I was soooo glad to get home! I was that tired that I could probably passed out at my desk last night. I dont understand how I cant get back to sleep, since I felt so knackered....but hey I dont know how the body works ha ha.

On the last note, my mum would have been 48years old yesterday if she was still alive, as it was her birthday. Such an awesome person she was....I love her with all my heart and soul!

Thursday, 6 November 2008

Sickness and all that Jazz...Oh and a bit of Christmas spirit

Well sitting here...finally on the mend, I didnt even feel like myself yesterday in my waking hours, must have been a walking zombie because i sure did feel like it.
So yeah, I had to catch the sickness and diarhoea bug didnt I, the one that is swarming by everyone recently. Although feeling a bit blah, all the physical symptoms have vanished.

Although my friend Kayleigh is insisting I get some fresh air, and give her company to the shops in Glasgow to cheer myself up a bit. Although I might look at new christmas decorations for my little tree as my decorations are somewhat getting old. Although very unsure what colour to get, but decorations are shiny and glittery....I'll see what i can get and try not go too nuts, but everyone knows how much I like things that sparkle :)

Although take care everyone, I hope you dont get this bug, its awful!

Saturday, 1 November 2008

My dogs....aren't they lovely?

I'm in the mood to show my dogs off a bit more, as I have some stunning photos of them :-

This is Missie lying on top of my cushions, always likes to make herself comfy in my room :)

Missie looking at me as I think I was eating food before I took this photo...she looks like shes been starved, I ensure you she is well and truly spoiled!

This is me using Missie as a pillow, while shes having a chew on my hand...that was the only way I could get her to keep still for the photo.

Missie at christmas 2007, looking adorable in her way of wanting attention ha ha :)

This is when we first got Conan, he makes Missie look like a pup as he is much bigger than her, especially in the head department :)

Conan lying out our backdoor, enjoying the summer sun :)

One of my favourite photos, where Missie and Conan look like a couple...they do act like husband and is very cute! Here it looks like Missie has her head on Conan's shoulder like a lady would :)