Wednesday 15 December 2010

Christmas Swapping Fun!

My sister Lisa set up a lovely thing where we get to swap Christmas presents with a surprise person, totally random but fun. The game is basically to send a Christmas card, a baked thing, a bought thing and a Christmas decoration.
I got a lovely person for a swapping partner, Rebecca, and I received her parcel today, and it was wonderful!
Below is a photo of all the shiny things that Rebecca sent me :) Here is a little list!
  • star-shaped peppermint creams (so cute!)
  • some 'fridged' rocky road (this amused me!)
  • a lovely gold bauble (this helped towards charity for children with cerebral palsy & brain injuries!)
  • a beautiful handmade purple heart-shaped decoration (I love it, so pretty!)
  • a shiny glittery deer (I fell in love with! I heart Bambi!)
  • a pretty Christmas card!
A bundle of prettiness!

The decorations on my tree =D

All the lovely touches really made me smile, finishing touches in purple, the star shapes and the little hand-sewn heart.....I felt Rebecca excelled herself in her gifts, and it all means a lot to me.

Thank you Rebecca!


Lisa-Marie said...

They are sooooo lovely!

Told you Rebecca was awesome :)

Hazels Crochet said...

he he, she is indeed awesome :)