Tuesday 23 November 2010

Time Is Moving Fast

This year has really flown in...I cant believe I am in Week 9 of my semester at uni, I can't believe its only 33days until Christmas, and 8 days until I put my wee Christmas tree up (Yes I put mine up on the 1st). Although I feel like I am coping with university coursework pretty good, although not received many marks yet, so I don't know where I am on the scheme of things. I have wrapped all my Christmas presents so far that I have (this doesn't involve my Christmas swap though :-P). Yeah I can say my routine has improved a bit for sure...

Now all I gotta do is wait for snow!!

Here is a photograph of all the presents I have wrapped, excuse the bad quality as I took it with my phone camera :)


Rebecca said...

I'm impressed with your organisation! When I was at uni I could barely manage to attend lectures, let alone having any presents wrapped before Christmas Eve.

I have to admit, I have yet to do any making for our swap! Lots of thinking about it, not much doing yet!

Hazels Crochet said...

Thats ok! it doesnt have to be anything impressive as I am easy to please :D

I love all the cutesy things you get in card shops at Christmas...always so sparkly!