Wednesday 10 November 2010

All The Things That Sparkle

Andy and I went into Motherwell yesterday to do some Christmas shopping, since this is our first house together, we didn't have a Christmas tree. Shopping in Wilkinsons, I see all the pretty decorations in their array of colours. I have my heart set on purple and gold, I don't know why these colours appeal to me....maybe because my favourite colour is purple, not sure. I pick out all the things I want from coordinated tinsel and beads and picked out a 6ft green tree...even after saying "No no, we will have a small tree".

Since my money budget is really tight, Andy was a gem and bought us our first ever Christmas things. I really can't wait for December to arrive so that we can put up our decorations, although I may follow the 12days before Christmas rule as that is what Andy is used to...We shall see!

I do worry how I shall buy everyone a gift, it may only be a small thoughtful things this year....

....its the thought that counts.


Lisa-Marie said...

Dave has slowly given in to my need to put the tree up on the first, but when we first lived together, i put the advent calendar and a few decorations out, and then wee put the tree up on the 12th. perhaps you and Andy could do that?

Hazels Crochet said...

Yeah that would be an awesome thing to do, nothing wrong with a few christmas decorations around the house :) oh sooo excited!!!