Friday 23 January 2009

More stuff to say

It's been a few weeks since i've babbled on here, mainly because of the situation that happened in my house.

Now its just me and my dad, well until I move out.....but yeah its been nearly 3 weeks since my step mum left, I've had to partially take the role of an adult by helping my dad out when it comes to shopping for food. I must admit Im pretty surprised at how he took all this. I admit I thought he would go absolutely crazy and throw raging fits everywhere....but instead he has been rather depressed.....but he is doing his best I guess..but he will get there....they say time is a healer.

I am still planning to move out, but its not so much a rush now to find a flat, so it means me and Andy can at least find a half decent one. I'm still looking forward to having my own space with Andy. I know there are so many responsibilities...but Im sure we will cope.....I mean you have to move out at some point, don't wanna live with the parents all your life lol.

On a really good note, Andy and I went to Frankie and Benny's to celebrate our first anniversary..I cant believe we are a year already. We had a wonderful meal, and our waiter was amazing, and also a geek who spoke to us about computer games and such after our meal. I hope to get him again when we go back there. But wow....a year as Andy's girlfriend, amazing! I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend....yes thats the mushy soppy Hazo in me talking....I cant help myself!

Well I've ran out of stuff to say in my half asleep self....


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