Thursday 28 October 2010

Lots of....

.....things going on.

Back at University and I am 5weeks into my Honours year already, I can feel the stress levels building up with each task I have to do. Juggling classes, coursework, housework and my 'me' time has certainly been a difficult thing to do.
Not long got an essay on HIV & AIDS submitted and I am able to battle my ironing pile that has somehow climbed to the height of my hip *groans*, I have managed to do some, but left it for now....My literature review is somewhat pecking at my conscience,

I think I gotta make a plan, mmmmm....where can I put 'me' time in there, without feeling guilty for having it?


Epistolary Anderson said...

Never feel guilty for 'me time'. Make a point to have it, cause it's important :)

Lisa-Marie said...

Stop ironing! I never iron. never!