Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Knitting Squares

Sitting last night, thinking what could I do with my time, yes I am still on this situation.

Something for charity, I could do something for charity.

Typed in knitting for charity and I got this Knit A Square website, where you can knit or crochet 8 x 8" squares in any colour or in any pattern...This is ideal for me to practice knitting while helping little babies keep warm at the same time!

Can't wait to get started!!

This is a little boy with a completed blanket using all the squares that people knit and send to them.


Lisa-Marie said...

Hazel, this is a wonderful thing to do. I will knit a square too!

Lisa-Marie said...

Hazel, this is a wonderful thing to do. I will knit a square too!

Hazels Crochet said...

I know! I am so glad I came across it :)