Thursday, 22 April 2010

Too busy being a student

Seems I am over my cooking phase, I don't seem to have the cooking skills like my sister Lisa , maybe its because I am used to a normal oven and I have stupid fan assisted one, I am not so sure...

Mind you I don't really have the time anyway, for anything....I seem to have got addicted to doing my coursework, who knew that would happen ha ha, although I have gotten good responses in return for my hard effort....mostly A's and one or two B's, so I am fairly pleased.

Although one thing I have stuck to through thick and thin, is my I am thinking I might just focus on that on here :)

This be a photo of what I have been doing in the laboratory, don't worry I took the photo after I cleaned up....don't want contamination right? :)

Though I will be visiting London this weekend, shall have some good photos for you when I get back :)